Deakin Chambers Psychologists

This website will permanently close by the end of January 2025
We are following ACT Health advice on COVID-19.
Please see our news page for further details
We work hard to make counselling accessible, comprehensive and effective
In order to be registered, psychologists must undertake four years of university and at least 2 years of supervised experience. All psychologists in Australia have to be registered by the Psychologists Registration Board. Our psychologists are members of the Australian Psychological Society, bound by its Code of Ethics and strict Ethical Guidelines.
Deakin Chambers Psychologists are warm, professional and highly trained to help you resolve your problem. We are a team of psychologists who work independently and collaboratively to achieve the best outcome for our clients.
We provide committed, professional care and high standards of skilled assistance in dealing with your problems offering professional, outcome-focused services.
We are able to work with you to address your problems, whatever they are.
Psychologists help people to develop the skills needed to function better (including changing their thinking and behaviour) and to prevent ongoing problems. Our high range of expertise means we are able to provide assistance to our clients for a wide range of difficulties in accordance with individual interests and strengths.
Our psychologists will help you explore what really matters to you: your purpose, goals, values and strengths.
During counselling, our psychologists will provide you with support, tools and ideas to help you cultivate the life you want to be living.
You can expect to gain insights and learn skills that will help and support you in solving the problems you are facing.

Emergency Contact Numbers
Beyond Blue 1300224636
Lifeline 131114
Mental Health Triage 24 Hour Service 1800 629 354